Hope Squad
Introducing the Hope Squad program! Hope Squad is a School-Based, peer-to-peer suicide prevention program. Hope Squad members are nominated by their classmates as trustworthy and
Introducing the Hope Squad program! Hope Squad is a School-Based, peer-to-peer suicide prevention program. Hope Squad members are nominated by their classmates as trustworthy and
Raising children is hard. Parenting Wisely can help. This highly interactive online course is designed by family and social scientists to help parents with tips
National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week® is an opportunity to SHATTER THE MYTHS® about drugs and alcohol and their use. In community and school events
Released: December 2nd, 2019 It’s official! As of January 1st, 2020, it is now illegal to sell tobacco and vapor products to anyone under 21.
Medication Take-Back Boxes We partnered with Confluence Health to help spread awareness of Medication Take-Back Boxes. Please watch this short video for more information. https://vimeo.com/327311812/efd00d591a
What is Botvin LifeSkills Training? Students today are surrounded by a variety of factors that can lead to unhealthy choices regarding smoking, substance abuse, and
Develop Strong Parenting Techniques and Strategies Raise happy and well-behaved kids with positive, loving tools The Love and Logic approach to parenting is built around
We chose to provide Second Step curriculum to our local elementary schools because Second Step is a great tool that teaches resilience, hope, and compassion
TOGETHER! for Youth has been providing the evidence-based Strengthening Families Program to Chelan/Douglas counties for 20 years, in partnership with WSU Extension. The Strengthening Families
TOGETHER! for Youth is a member of the North Central Marijuana Prevention and Education Network. The mission is to mobilize its diverse set of community-based
TOGETHER! for Youth is a member of the North Central Region program that focuses on: The Tobacco Prevention Toolkit Materials for educators, administrators, parents/guardians, and
TOGETHER hosts the only anti-substance abuse resource library for this region. Our resource library is utilized by: our local Wenatchee Valley College students, school districts
The Center for Drug and Alcohol Treatment New Hope Recovery Shipowick-Smith Counseling and Recovery Center Confluence Health Occupational Medicine https://al-anon.org/