Introducing the Hope Squad program!
Hope Squad is a School-Based, peer-to-peer suicide prevention program. Hope Squad members are nominated by their classmates as trustworthy and caring peers and are trained by advisors. These Hope Squad members are then trained and equipped to recognize suicide signs and how to help those students. The Hope Squad program reduces youth suicide through education, training, and peer intervention. At TOGETHER! for Youth, we are offering the Hope Squad program to schools in Chelan, Douglas, Grant and Okanogan Counties. We are now accepting applications for Hope Squad for Elementary, Middle School and High School levels. If your school is interested in implementing Hope Squad, please contact our NCW Regional Hope Squad coordinator at
For more information, go to
In North Central Washington, we have a grant through Thriving Together, formerly NCACH (North Central Accountable Community of Health) to help support and fund Hope Squad in the Four County Region. This grant helps fund the curriculum and training for our Hope Squad schools and Advisors.
In partnership with Thriving Together and Digital Media NW, we have developed a 3-part documentary series to help demonstrate Hope Squad in the schools and how Hope Squad has helped their school and students. To watch the videos, click the links below: